2011年5月4日 星期三

Tory - Portrait of a lady (my styling works)

2011年,愛曼達在舊金山念碩士的時候主修是Fashion Journalism,我的畢業論文是要拍出六到十組不同主題風格的雜誌編輯.我一個人身兼造型師(model 全身衣服配件行頭都要自己採買)和總編輯(彩妝師,髮型師和專門拍fashion的欇影師都要靠自己去找及連絡溝通出我要的效果來說故事,還要找到studio棚拍或適合的場地外拍~畢業前那半年就是忙翻天!但我很開心跟不同國籍的同學一起創作合作~這是我到現在最懷念的一段念書時光!

These black-and- white photos are inspired byGerman-Australian photographer Helmut Newton's 1952 portrait of Laurel Martyn (Australian ballerina).
 I want to represent a gorgeous lady with an attractive personality.Each photois a portraitof Tory who is a model from LOOK modeling agency. She knows how to do elegant andglamorous modeling. At the same time, she presents the outfit and jewelryin a contemporary way.

Stylist: Amanda Shih

Photographer: Evgeniya Parfenova

Make up & Hair artist: Kristine Cruz


